5.2 General Controls Applying to all Business Zone Areas


  1. Ensure an appropriate supply, distribution, and mix of retail, commercial and employment floor space across the Camden LGA;
  2. Ensure that the retail floor space within the Camden LGA does not undermine the potential of existing and proposed centres within the region;
  3. Encourage the early investment and delivery of employment generating development and retail uses to serve the population;
  4. Achieve high quality urban design outcomes which deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to existing and new residents;
  5. Promote business development which is designed to facilitate an active public domain; and
  6. Ensure business zones in the Camden LGA are supported by adequate and appropriate public infrastructure and amenities.


Function and Uses

  1. Development within business zones must incorporate a range of local retail, commercial, entertainment, childcare, residential and community uses to serve the needs of the local community.


  1. The layout and location of business zone uses must consider potential future noise and amenity conflicts for both the subject development and adjoining/nearby development.
  2. Where development fronts the street or any other public place (including car parking areas and pedestrian thoroughfares) the development must be designed so that it addresses the street or public place.
  3. New development must not detract from significant existing views and vistas.

Built Form and Appearance

  1. Buildings should have a similar mass and scale to create a sense of consistency. Within business zones, generally there will be gradation of massing from a dense inner core to a less dense outer edge to provide an appropriate interface with land uses in the adjoining zones and symmetry to the building.
  2. Business development must feature high quality architectural design and a built form that promotes a ‘sense of place’ and contemporary character for all business zones
  3. Development in business zones must be compatible with surrounding business development in terms of appearance, type, bulk and scale, design and character.
  4. Building wall planes must contain variations and architectural design features in their front facades in order to provide visual interest.
  5. Where multiple tenancies are located within the one building, each tenancy must be defined by appropriate architectural design features (e. g. the integration of vertical elements into the façade).
  6. Consideration is to be given to the interface where the building and awning abuts an adjoining development to ensure compatibility.
  7. Roof forms should be appropriately designed to respond to the built form of other nearby business development. The design of roofs may adopt traditional forms found in the immediate locality, or alternatively they may adopt a more contemporary appearance to a juxtaposition to traditional roof forms. However, it must be clearly demonstrated that the proposed roof form relates appropriately to the existing adjoining development.
  8. New development must not cause significant overshadowing or overlooking of public places, relative to the patterns of usage of those places.
  9. Where a building addresses a corner:
    1. the entrance should be on or near the corner;
    2. the building should have positive frontage to both streets (i.e. windows and doors that overlook the streets and provide passive surveillance); and
    3. the corner should be emphasised through a built form element such as a landmark feature.
  10. Buildings on corner lots may have feature elements that exceed the building height limit prescribed in CLEP 2010 subject to compliance with Clause 5.6 of the CLEP 2010.
  11. Where a building addresses a public space, buildings must always address and embellish that public space. Public spaces may include a street, any form of urban open space (e.g. courtyard, plaza, etc), or any form of landscaped open space. This must also help contribute towards place-making.
  12. Service infrastructure such as air conditioning and other plant must be screened from public view and must be incorporated into the design of the building.
  13. Site facilities such as loading, waste storage, servicing and other infrastructure must be designed to minimise the visual impact on the public domain and impacts on neighbours.
  14. Security devices must be integrated with the design of the building and must enable design features to be interpreted outside centre trading hours.

Pedestrian Amenity

  1. Business development must be designed to facilitate high levels of pedestrian amenity and permeability, including access and facilities for cyclists.
  2. Development is to incorporate appropriate measures for convenient, weather sheltered access for pedestrians, including access to other land.
  3. Buildings should be designed to minimise overshadowing of pedestrian thoroughfares and footpaths wherever possible.

Public Domain

  1. Development must include a high quality landscape design including a co-ordinated package of street furniture and lighting that enhances the character of the business zone. The design of landscaping and the public domain must be generally in accordance with Council’s Landscape and Streetscape Elements Manual (or equivalent).
  2. The building and landscape design is to be complementary to ensure legible, safe, comfortable and easy access for pedestrian from the street frontages, within the business zone and to adjoining land, where appropriate.
  3. Street tree and open space plantings are to provide generous shade for pedestrians.
  4. All signage and advertising is to be designed in a coordinated manner.

Parking and Access

  1. The visibility of parking areas at street frontages must be minimised through parking layout and design, building location and design and landscaping treatments. Bitumen and cars are not to be the dominant features of the landscape.
  2. Parking areas must be designed to enable legible, safe, comfortable and easy access for pedestrians from the street frontages, within the centre and to adjoining land, where appropriate
  3. Car parking must be provided in accordance with Part 2 of this DCP.

Waste Management

  1. A detailed Waste Management Plan (WMP) must be submitted for the ongoing use of the site. A WMP must outline the waste that will be generated from the site and proposed arrangements for managing waste onsite and for collection.
  2. The site plan and floor plans must show:
    1. the location of temporary waste and recycling storage areas within each tenancy;
    2. the location of designated waste and recycling storage room(s) or areas that are sized to meet the waste and recycling needs of all tenants (refer to Council’s Waste Management Guidelines for generation rates);
    3. an identified collection point for the collection and emptying of waste, recycling and other waste bins; and
    4. the path of travel for moving bins from the storage area to the identified collection point (if collection is to occur away from the storage area). There must be step-free access between the point at which bins are collected/emptied and the waste/recycling storage room(s) or area(s).
  3. A swept path analysis must be prepared by a suitably qualified professional in accordance with AS2890.2. It must be demonstrated that a Heavy Rigid Vehicle:
    1. can enter, manouvre and exit the site in a forward direction;
    2. perform collections in a safe manner; and
    3. is provided with adequate height and width clearance to safely access the site.
  4. Temporary waste and recycling storage area/s must be provided within each tenancy. At a minimum, the storage area should have a sufficient size to store waste generated within a day (refer to Council’s Waste Management Guidelines for generation rates).
  5. Between collection periods, all waste/recyclable materials generated on site must be kept in enclosed bins with securely fitting lids and stored in designated waste/recycling storage room(s) or area(s).
  6. The number of bins to be provided must be calculated based on waste generation rates in Council’s Waste Management Guidelines;
  7. Development must include designated communal general waste and recycling storage area/s. Storage area/s must:
    1. provide a convenient area for separation of recyclable material, general waste and other waste;
    2. provide convenient access to each commercial area/tenancy of the development;
    3. provide for storage of all bins required;
    4. have a floor area at least 50% larger than the size of the bins and/or equipment;
    5. have a smooth graded ground surface;
    6. be well lit, built in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and well ventilated in accordance with AS 1668.4 (AS 1668.2 for buildings requiring mechanical ventilation);
    7. allow for each bin to be readily accessed and manoeuvred in and out of the area, providing a minimum 1.6m wide unobstructed walkway and a minimum 1.8m wide door/doorway (doors must be able to be locked open);
    8. be suitably enclosed, covered and maintained so as prevent polluted wastewater runoff and unpleasant odour;
    9. provide an external water tap adjacent to the storage area;
    10. provide a drain in the bin storage area discharging to a sewer connection (where relevant);
    11. be sealed sufficiently to prevent vermin;
    12. be adaptable to changes in waste generation rates and type of waste produced;
    13. developments may require a bin tug device or a goods hoist where bin storage and waste collection areas are on different levels or not within close proximity to each other;
    14. in cases where chute systems are not used, be located in a convenient location that is accessible to all residents; and
    15. in cases where chute systems are installed, ensure that access to the discharge point/s is restricted.
  8. Onsite collection must be provided for commercial developments. The development must be designed:
    1. to provide safe access and manoeuvrability for a Heavy Rigid Vehicle in accordance with AS2890.2.
    2. allow waste collection vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward direction, without impeding access for other users. Reversing onsite must only be done in the vicinity of a turning bay as private driveways or carparks are not permitted to be used as turning areas.
  9. In exceptional circumstances where onsite collection cannot be achieved, waste/recycling containers should be collected from a kerbside, rear laneway or service passage. Waste collection should not be provided along shop frontages.
  10. Premises that discharge trade wastewater must do so only in accordance with a written agreement from Sydney Water.
  11. Where premises generate at least 50L of meat, seafood or poultry waste per day, that food waste must be collected daily and stored in a designated, refrigerated waste storage area until collection.
  12. Arrangements must be provided for regular maintenance of waste management facilities.
  13. All commercial tenants must keep written evidence on site of a valid contract with a licensed waste contractor for the regular collection and disposal of the waste and recyclables that are generated on site.