1.2.8 Protocol for neighbour notification and advertising

For neighbour notified and advertised development, the following procedures will apply:

  1. the owners of land adjoining or opposite a proposed development including properties separated by only a walkway, driveway or laneway will be notified as shown in Figures 1-3 to 1-8 and the following approach will be taken:
    1. where the proposed development affects the entire site, owners of properties marked shaded in grey will be notified as shown in Examples 1-3;
    2. where the proposed development affects only the rear of the site (such as a rear yard garage, swimming pool, rear dwelling additions/ alterations), owners at the sides and rear will be notified as shown in Example 4. Owners on the opposite side of the roadway will not be notified. Similar notification will occur where development is proposed at the front of a premises as shown in Example 5;
  2. a sign will be placed on the development site indicating the details of the proposed development;
  3. the plans of the proposed development will be available for inspection, online at www.camden.nsw.gov.au;
  4. submissions to Council must be in writing and be received by Council on or before the last day of notification;
  5. all written submissions will be considered by Council as part of the assessment of the application; and
  6. Council will give notice of the determination of an application to each person who makes a written submission. For a submission containing multiple signatories, the first signatory will be advised.