1.2.11 Submissions

Form of Submission

Submissions made in relation to a development application, including an application for modification of a development consent and an application for review made under Division 8.2 of the EP&A Act, must be:

  • In writing and addressed to the General Manager;
  • Clearly indicate the name, address, contact number and e-mail address (where available) of the person making the submission; and
  • Clearly include the grounds of objection.

Submissions must be lodged with Council by the conclusion of the notification period.

Consideration of submissions

Council officers will endeavour to resolve issues raised during the notification period. However, in some circumstances this may not be possible and will be addressed as part of the assessment.

All submissions will be considered as part of the assessment of a development application including an application for modification of development consent and an application made under Division 8.2 of the EP&A Act.

Concerns raised in submissions to the development application may be forwarded to the applicant for their response or consideration. The names and addresses of objectors will not be disclosed to the applicant where the person/s who make the submission specifically requests that their names and addresses not be disclosed to the applicant.

Submissions may be summarised in assessment reports. The report may include names and addresses of those who made submissions.

Where multiple persons within the one household lodge separate submissions, they will be considered as separate submissions.

A petition is counted as a single submission despite the number of signatures contained on the petition.