The Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) is shown in Figure 13-1 and establishes a framework for the urban form and defines the critical components of the site. These include land use, drainage areas, vegetation conservation areas, access points and collector road, easements and open space, and restriction on heights area.

Figure 13-1: Indicative Layout Plan
Relationship to other Plans
190 Raby Road, Gledswood Hills indicative layout plan is based on the following technical and environmental studies:
- Distinctive, November 2015, Landscape and Visual Assessment;
- MUSEcape, October 2016, Visual Impact Assessment Peer Review;
- MUSEcape, January 2017, Visual Impact Assessment Peer Review with Supplement;
- Lesryk, November 2015, Flora and Fauna Assessment;
- Traffix, July 2015, Traffic Impact Assessment;
- Dominic Steel Consulting Archaeology, December 2015, Preliminary Aboriginal & Cultural Heritage Assessment;
- PKA Acoustic Consulting, May 2015, Acoustic Assessment;
- ABPP, March 2015, Bushfire Constraints Assessment;
- Douglas Partners, February 2014, Geotechnical Assessment;
- GLN Planning, November 2015, Open Space and Community Facilities Assessment;
- Douglas Partners, February 2014, Salinity Assessment;
- Stefani Group, April 2015, Stormwater Management and Flood Assessment;
- Douglas Partners, February 2014, Preliminary Site Investigation.