Precinct M
The rear setback to “The Lanes” residential area is 10m as outlined in Figure 4-40.

Figure 4-40: Precinct M - Indicative Interface Lot Layout Plan
Note: The controls listed below are specific to Harrington Grove Precincts (excluding C, E and K). They must be read in conjunction with the controls in Part 2 and Part 4 of this DCP. In the event of any inconsistency, the controls included in this subsection will take precedence.
SETBACKS (Refer to Table 4-2) |
Front setback (min) – Precincts |
6m |
Front setback (min) – Collector road with street access |
8m |
Secondary street setback (min) |
4-6m |
Side setback (min) |
2m |
Rear setback (min) |
6m |
Garage setback (min) |
0.9m behind principal building line and 5.5m from front boundary; third garage to be set back an additional 0.9m. |
Architectural element front setback encroachment (max) |
1.5m |
As per LEP 2010 and Part 4 of this DCP |
Site coverage (max) |
50% |
Landscaped area (min) |
35% |
Landscaped area (min) within the front setback |
60% |
Private open space (min) |
80m2 for 3br dwelling; 100m2 for 4br dwelling |
Principal private open space (PPOS) (min) |
24m2 with a minimum dimension 4m |
Gradient of PPOS (max) |
1:15 |
Solar access to PPOS (min) |
Direct sunlight must reach at least 50% of the PPOS of both the subject dwelling and of any adjoining dwelling for not less than 3 hours between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 21 June.
Garage door width (max) |
50% of front elevation width |
Note: The controls listed below are specific to Harrington Grove Precincts C, E and K. They must be read in conjunction with the controls in section Part 2 and Part 4 of this DCP. In the event of any inconsistency, the controls included in this subsection will take precedence.
SETBACKS (Refer to Table 4-2) |
Front setback |
Between 4.5m and 6.5m |
Secondary street setback (min) |
3m |
Side setback (min) |
0.9m |
Rear setback (min) |
6m |
Open space setback (min) |
4.5m |
Garage setback (min) |
0.9m behind principal building line and 5.5m from front boundary; third garage to be set back an additional 0.9m. |
Architectural element front setback encroachment (max) |
1m |
As per LEP 2010 and Part 4 of this DCP |
Site coverage (max) |
50% |
Front yard paved surfaces (max) |
40% |
Private open space (min) |
80m2 |
Principal private open space (PPOS) (min) |
24m2 with a minimum dimension 4m |
Gradient of PPOS (max) |
1:15 |
Solar access to PPOS (min) |
Direct sunlight must reach at least 50% of the PPOS of both the subject dwelling and of any adjoining dwelling for not less than 3 hours between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 21 June.
Garage door width (max) |
50% of front elevation width |