S4.2.8 Specific Development Precincts

The development precincts are those which are proposed to be developed for residential purposes, as outlined in Figure 4-3. The development of each precinct will be undertaken in accordance with the objectives for each respective development precinct.




R5 Large Lot Residential

N, O

Residential Precincts (R5 Large lot Residential)


  1. Conserve the heritage significance of the heritage homesteads and their immediate environs, whilst facilitating the provision of public road linkages and appropriate development.

Harrington Grove – Precinct N Orielton Homestead


  1. Implement the Orielton Conservation Management Plan for Orielton Homestead.
  2. Alignment and construction of public road linkages, where necessary, to respect and be sympathetic to the natural environment.
  3. Provide adequate bush fire management measures.
  4. Identify areas of tree planting in accordance with a Conservation Management Plan to provide vegetated screening of development, where necessary.

Harrington Grove – Precinct O


  1. Create a range of lot sizes that:
    1. reflects the adjacent Kirkham Estate; and
    2. allows for smaller lots for the more elevated northern portion of the precinct, whilst ensuring the visual quality of the development respects important viewscape elements.
  2. Provide for small holding rural residential living opportunities on land not being of prime crop or pasture potential and having ready access to urban areas and facilities.
  3. Ensure development is carried out in a manner that minimises risk from natural hazards, particularly bushfires and flooding.


  1. Design and locate roads to take account of the natural contours of the site.
  2. Provide pedestrian and cycle linkages.
  3. Provide adequate bush fire management measures.
  4. Introduce building envelopes to control the location of dwellings.
  5. Appropriate separation of dwellings from flood affected land.
  6. Prepare building controls to control building form, fences, materials and colours to ensure that all buildings have minimal visual impact.