A variety of lots sizes and types are to be provided to facilitate housing diversity and choice and meet the requirements of people with different housing needs. Smaller lots and medium density developments are to be located near the village centre, parks and areas of highest amenity proximity to facilities. To achieve this, lots must be consistent with the dwelling densities shown at Figure 1-1 and the residential lot types detailed below.
- The residential dwelling target for Elderslie is 1978 dwellings. To ensure this, subdivision applications are to demonstrate to Council that the dwelling targets shown in Figure 1-1 will be achieved. Subject to the agreement of Council and consultation with relevant landowners, dwelling yield may be ‘traded’ between development blocks, as long as it meets the overall targets and objectives of this DCP and Master Plan.
- Where variation to the block dwelling targets is proposed, an applicant is to demonstrate that:
- the overall dwelling target of 1978 dwellings for Elderslie can still be achieved.
- the proposed variation is consistent with the principles of the Elderslie Master Plan and provisions of this DCP.
Refer to Figure 1-1 which identifies Area 1, Area 2 and Area 3 further defined below.
Area 1:
Shop Top Housing – Village Centre (180/300m2)
This provides scope for shop top housing above retail or commercial uses. Demand is unknown at this time but building forms must contain sufficient flexibility for later change of use as Elderslie develops.
Area 1:
Attached and Semi-Detached Dwellings (6-8m Wide Lot) from 180/240m2 to 200m²)
This provides opportunity for dwellings in small groups, duplexes or triplexes. They are located in areas of high amenity, along the central village spine. They may contain home work/business opportunities.
Areas 1 & 2:
Dwelling House (8-12.5m Wide Lot) (300/375m2)
This provides a small lot housing form generally with north facing (good solar access) rear yards and with rear lane car access or single stacked parking. These are generally free standing are encouraged to have a zero lot line on one boundary.
Area 2:
Dwelling House (12.5 - 15m Wide Lot) (375/450m2)
This type comprises housing suitable for free standing small family housing. This is a flexible and efficient housing form.
Area 3:
Dwelling House (15 - 18m Wide Lot) (450/540m2)
These are free standing traditional one and two storey dwellings often in prime or feature locations. In some cases, they could sustain a duplex or a ‘big house’ (which contains 3 or 4 apartments) which fit comfortably within a large single house context.
Area 3:
Dwelling House (20m Plus Lot) (600+m2)
These are large lots that occupy prime sites (corner sites and avenues). They provide opportunity for large family dwellings and could also include some discreet multi dwelling housing in ‘big home’ form.
Multi Dwelling Housing Site
A multi dwelling housing site has been identified on Lodges Road overlooking the riparian corridor. The site has the potential for 78 dwellings in a two-storey development with a third storey located within the roof structure.