- Smaller lots and housing types are to be located close to the neighbourhood centre, public transport and adjacent to higher amenity areas such as parks.
- The following minimum lot sizes apply under CLEP 2010:
- attached dwellings - 180m2.
- semi-detached dwellings - 200m2
- dwelling houses - 300m2.
Note: These are minimum development standards as set out in the LEP 2010. However, all subdivisions are to demonstrate compliance with the Elderslie Residential Density Target as specified in Part 1 of this Schedule.
- At subdivision/development stage, noise attenuation measures need to be developed for sites that fall within the criteria set out below:
- applicants will be required to submit an acoustic impact assessment report for development:
- within any commercial or neighbourhood centre areas.
- adjacent to Camden Valley Way, Camden Bypass and/or Liz Kernohan Drive.
- for any non-residential use of any part within the area that this DCP covers.
- steep (1:10) or elevated land within 100 metres of a freeway, arterial or future arterial road.
- Council will not consent to the subdivision/development of land to which this clause applies, unless a program, satisfactory to the Council, has been prepared proposing traffic noise attenuation devices for the development. The report must predict noise levels for a 10 year period and any attenuation measures must address these noise levels.
- The master plan aims to protect significant views, and these corridors must be protected in any subdivision application. Details such as fences, walls and tree plantings must also respect these corridors. Subdivision that is designed around heritage items and curtilages must be sympathetic in form, shape and lot size to the heritage places (see Part 2).
- The significant view corridors identified in Part 2 Environmental Heritage must be preserved in any development application for subdivision. Development adjoining existing development outside of this release area, is to be of a similar nature and scale to the adjoining area and to be located so as not to eliminate views from the existing residences. Refer to the Elderslie Master Plan (Figure 1-1) for locations that are restricted to single storey construction.
- To reinforce and enhance the identity of the area, mature vegetation must be preserved where possible and integrated into the new landscape in accordance with Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2: Elderslie Indicative Vegetation