- Homes should be designed to be of ‘contemporary, eco character’.
- Use of architectural features such as awnings, porticos and verandah’s are required to ensure street presentation of the homes is in keeping with the vision for Mater Dei.
Roof Eves
- 600mm at a minimum on eastern and western facades.
Corner Lots
- Should be designed to present to both street frontage and public areas.
- Front facade feature should continue around to 40% of the secondary frontage.
Parkland Lots
- Should be designed to appropriately address the parkland area.
- Architectural features are to be replicated to secondary frontages with front a parkland.
- Blank walls to the parkland are not permitted.
- Roof designs must be a minimum pitch of 200.
- Skillion roofs can have a minimum pitch of 50.
- Highly reflective roofing material are not permitted.
Colours and Materials
- Colours should be low in contrast and sympathetic to the natural environment. Rendered masonry, stone, timber, steel and painted/rendered brickwork should be the predominant external materials.
- Open fencing is preferred wherever possible.
- Front fencing is not allowed.
- Brush mat fencing is prohibited.
- Rear and side boundary fences once behind the building line can be a maximum height of 1.8m but on bush front lots must return with open post and rail or post and wire for the rear 6m of the lot.
Maximum Driveway Width
- 4.0m wide at the property verge but can be splayed within the property boundary to allow for adequate vehicle manoeuvrability.
Rainwater Tanks
- Each dwelling must have a tank of at least 5,000ltr.
- If the home contains a swimming pool, the water tank must be connected to the pool to assist in topping up the pool.
- Water tanks in the APZ cannot be constructed of plastic
Kirkham Rise Guidelines
- Kirkham Rise Design Guidelines volume 1, November 2010 and as amended, should be referenced for further detailed design requirements
Front setback (min) |
4.5m; average of 5.5m |
Secondary street setback (min) |
4.5m |
Side setback ground floor (min) |
1.5m |
Side setback second floor (min) |
4.5m |
Rear setback ground floor (min) |
6m |
Rear setback second floor (min) |
10m |
Garage setback (min) |
1m behind principal building line and 5.5m from front boundary; third garage to be set back 2m behind principal building line. |
Architectural element front setback encroachment (max) |
1m |
Rear lane setback (min) |
1m. Notwithstanding this, the rear lane setback can be reduced to 0.5m only if it can be adequately demonstrated to Council’s satisfaction, that the development can facilitate waste collection in a safe and orderly manner. |
Public reserve setback (min) |
3m |
As per LEP 2010 and Part 4 of this DCP |
Site coverage (max) – lots less than 450m2 |
Single storey development - 60% Two storey development – 50% ground floor, 35% upper floor |
Site coverage (max) – lots 450m2 or greater |
Single storey development - 50% Double storey development – 30% |
Front yard paved surfaces (max) |
40% |
Landscaped area (min) |
30% |
Landscaped area (min) within the front setback |
40% |
Principal private open space (PPOS) (min) |
24m2 with a minimum dimension 4m |
Gradient of PPOS (max) |
1:10 |
Solar access to PPOS (min) |
Direct sunlight must reach at least 50% of the PPOS of both the subject dwelling and of any adjoining dwelling for not less than 3 hours between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 21 June.
Garage door width (max) – lots 7-15m wide |
60% of front elevation width |
Garage door width (max) – lots greater than 15m wide |
50% of front elevation width |