The Emerald Hills Centre will form part of the Emerald Hills Urban Release Area.
Maximum Floor Area
- The centre will have a maximum lettable floor area of 10,000m2 for ‘retail premises’ excluding ‘food and drink premises’.
Layout and Design
- Development must be in accordance with the site planning principles contained in the master plan for the Centre in Figure 8-16. Development applications for the purposes of remediation, earthworks, drainage, environmental landscape works and other minor works that, in the opinion of Council, do not predetermine an outcome on the land covered by the B2 Local Centre zone boundaries in LEP 2010 may be accepted.
Figure 8-16: Site Planning Principles for Emerald Hills Centre
- The development must be designed to provide access and exposure to Raby Road and Riley’s Creek adjoining the centre site whilst incorporating a vibrant and active focal point in the form of a civic square, plaza or main street.
- In addition to any relevant controls for the centre, residential buildings within the centre are subject to the controls contained in Chapter D2 of this DCP as relevant.
- Vehicle access and/or car parking facilities will not be approved if within 30 metres of a Transmission Line structure without adequate precautions provided to protect the structure from any accidental damage.