- Ensure that open space is of appropriate quality and quantity to meet the recreational and social needs of the community.
- Ensure an attractive public domain and streetscapes are established that contribute to the visual quality of the site.
- Provide the framework for the protection and enhancement of remnant vegetation and riparian corridors within the public domain.
- Provide for the establishment of local parks and other open spaces which contribute to the sense of place.
- Utilise open space for Water Sensitive Urban Design and stormwater management.
- Promote plant species selection and design which will minimise ongoing water and maintenance requirements.
- Provide appropriate fencing between the Emerald Hills site and adjacent Sydney Water Upper Canal land.
- Local open space must generally be located in accordance with Figure 8-11.
- Estate fencing must be erected in locations to separate public domain areas from residential development.
- Estate fencing is to be constructed of consistent high quality materials and finishes and is to form part of the subdivisional works for the site.
- The location of estate fencing is identified in a Development Application and is to be constructed in accordance with a Landscaping Plan.
- Estate fencing is limited to a maximum height of 1.8m above ground level.
- Estate fencing is not to be removed or altered in finish, shape or form of the fence.
- Appropriate fencing to prevent public access to the Sydney Water Upper Canal land must be provided.

Figure 8-11: Local Open Space