- To protect the scenic character of the Scenic Hills Area to the east of the site.
- This clause applies to lots and dwellings generally in the area indicated in Figure 8-15.
- Dwelling materials and colours must adopt darker, recessive toned colours such as dark browns, dark greens, dark greys and charcoal, and utilise non-reflective surfaces for both wall and roof cladding.
- Utility and ancillary structures must adopt darker, recessive toned colours such as dark browns, dark greens, dark greys and charcoal, along with non-reflective surfaces.
- Bulk earthworks must be undertaken along the northern ridgeline and surroundings as per the ‘Minimum Earthworks Cut Level’ as shown in Figure 8-15. The finished ground levels must be in accordance with the spot RLs shown on Figure 8-15. Certification of the finished ground levels in accordance with this control will be required to be submitted to Council prior to the issuing of subdivision certificates in relation to this land.
- Road verge/street tree planting must adopt hardy dark-leaved evergreen trees with good canopy cover.
- The ridgeline reserve must be planted out with tall locally indigenous woodland species (to blend with woodland canopies in the Scenic Hills) using a minimum pot size of 100 litres, planted across the entire width of the reserve.
- The southern verge of the perimeter road between the scenic character protection area and the WaterNSW land (delineated by a purple line in Figure 8-15) must be planted with tall locally indigenous woodland species using a minimum pot size of 100 litres.
- Street lights must have hoods or other appropriate design treatment to minimise light spill and reducing ambient light haze as much as possible.

Figure 8-15: Scenic Character Protection Area