6.3.12 Opposite, Adjacent or in the Vicinity of a Residential Area


  1. To ensure that the use and development of the industrial land does not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of the surrounding residential uses; and
  2. To ensure that land use conflicts are appropriately managed.


  1. Details of the proposed operation including mechanical operations, deliveries, vehicle movements, acoustic impacts and hours of operation must be provided for all development.
  2. Noise emitting activities, such as loading docks should be located away from residential areas to reduce the impact of the development.
  3. Loading and unloading times must not impact on the amenity of nearby residential areas. Details of vehicle movements and their routes are to be provided in the development application.
  4. The storage of plant, equipment, goods and other materials must be suitably screened from residential development.
  5. Lighting must not create a nuisance to adjoining residential development. Council may require a lighting mitigation strategy to be submitted with a development application.

Vehicle body repair workshops and vehicle repair station

  1. Council must not grant consent to development for the purpose of a vehicle body repair workshop or a vehicle repair station, if the land is opposite or adjacent to a dwelling, unless appropriate arrangements are made to store all vehicles awaiting or undergoing repair, awaiting collection, or otherwise involved with the development on the site of the proposed development, and they will be stored either:
    • within a building, or
    • within a suitably screened area.

Note: All proposed developments must comply with Councils Acoustic Amenity controls within this DCP.  Applications must comply with the NSW EPA Noise Policy for Industry (2017), or any other applicable policies.