6.5.4 Exhibition Homes and Villages


Exhibition homes and exhibition villages are a way for homebuilders to display finished dwellings within a residential environment. During their use as exhibition homes & exhibition villages there is a potential for significant traffic generation, particularly on weekends. The exhibition homes can eventually be sold for use as dwellings and become part of the residential environment.


  1. Ensure that exhibition homes and exhibition villages operate with minimal impact on the surrounding residential area;
  2. Ensure that exhibition homes and exhibition villages operate for a limited time after which they cease to operate; and
  3. Ensure that exhibition homes and exhibition villages revert to a conventional residential environment.


Subdivision, Frontage and Lot Sizes

  1. Any subdivision of land must be in accordance with the requirements for dwellings in CLEP 2010.
  2. Any proposed street with an exhibition village may be held as one lot within the development until the cessation of the operation of the exhibition village. Public road dedication must be completed prior to use as a separate dwelling.

Site Location

  1. Exhibition homes/ exhibition villages should be located:
    1. close to classified roads or sub classified roads.
    2. where vehicular access is from a collector street.
    3. on streets with widths that permit adequate safe manoeuvrability of vehicles and lines of sight for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
    4. where traffic control devices do not impede vehicular access to and from the site.
  2. Exhibition homes/ exhibition villages must not be permitted:
    1. where access is from a street with a carriageway width of less than 6.5m.
    2. on streets which are cul-de-sacs.

Car Parking

  1. Car parking for exhibition homes must be provided off street. However, on-street car parking may be considered where there are no privately occupied dwellings opposite or adjoining the individual exhibition homes.
  2. Internal streets may be closed out of hours of operation only where the streets are not yet dedicated as public roads.

Amenities and Environmental Impact

  1. During the operation of an exhibition home/ exhibition village additional measures to maintain the privacy of adjoining residential development may be required.
  2. The hours of operation must be limited to 7am to 7pm each day.
  3. Buildings used for such uses as providing home finance, display of materials or take-away food and the like must cease to operate when the exhibition home/ exhibition village ceases.
  4. Temporary buildings used for providing home finance, display of materials or take-away food must be removed and the site made good.
  5. When the use of the dwelling ceases to be an exhibition home, any garage that has been used as a sales office is to be reinstated as a functioning garage with an appropriate garage door and associated driveway, prior to the occupation of the dwelling for residential purposes.
  6. When the exhibition village/home ceases to operate, all signs and structures etc. associated with the exhibition home/village must be removed to ensure the site has a residential appearance.
  7. Security lighting must be provided in such a way to minimise any adverse impact on adjoining residential areas.
  8. The operation of the exhibition village (including the use of designated off-street car parks) must not cause offensive noise or affect the acoustic amenity of adjoining residents.

Waste Management

  1. Waste disposal facilities must be provided for development. These must be located adjacent to the driveway entrance to the site.
  2. Any structure involving waste disposal facilities must be located as follows:
    1. setback one metre from the front boundary to the street.
    2. landscaped between the structure and the front boundary and adjoining areas to minimise the impact on the streetscape.
    3. not be located adjacent to an adjoining residential property.

Letterboxes and Numbering

  1. Letterboxes must be located along the front boundary and be clearly visible and accessible from the street.
  2. The street number of a site must be visible from the street and made of a reflective material to allow visitors and emergency vehicles to easily identify the site.

Frontage Works and Damage to Council Assets

  1. Where a footpath, road shoulder or new or enlarged access driveway is required to be provided this must be provided at no cost to Council.
  2. Council must be notified of any works that may threaten Council assets. Council must give approval for any works involving Council infrastructure.
  3. Where there are no existing street trees in front of the site and contributions have not been collected for street tree planting, it may be a condition of consent that street trees be provided in the footpath area immediately in front of the site.

Acoustic Amenity

  1. Dwellings located near future sources of noise are to incorporate appropriate noise attenuation measures when designed and constructed, to ensure that future residents are afforded an appropriate level of amenity.


  1. Any signage must comply with Part 2.15 of this DCP.