Street network and design in the Elderslie release area has been designed to provide a safe and efficient movement for all users including vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
- Provide a road connection and pedestrian overbridge to the Spring Farm Release Area (Figure 1-11).
- Direct and clear street connections are made between the site and existing main routes to the:
- North: To Camden Valley Way;
- South: to the Camden Bypass and Spring Farm;
- East: to Narellan; and
- West: to existing Elderslie.
As indicated in Figure 1-1 – Elderslie Master Plan
- Other existing roads are extended or linked into the new street pattern. For example, Southdown and Coopworth Roads as indicated in the master plan.
- The old rural road known as Irvine Street is retained in the new street pattern, as are the reservations of Lodges Road and Hilder Street.
- New road connections to Camden Bypass and Camden Valley Way must be consistent with the master plan.
- No direct vehicular site access is permitted to Camden Bypass and Camden Valley Way.
- Figures 1-4 – 1-9 illustrate various street types and details which must be used throughout the design and construction phase. Detail must be submitted at the development application stage.
- Laneways are to be designed and built in accordance with the Camden Council’s Engineering Design and Construction Specifications. Where existing laneways have been built and need to continue through, they should align with the existing laneway cross section.

Figure 1-3: Elderslie Street Hierarchy Plan

Figure 1-4: Elderslie Primary Access Roads
Note: Link Roads only, east/west Access Roads to be 21m wide, have 4m verge and 13m carriageway

Figure 1-5: Elderslie Primary Access Existing Roads
Note: Location of street trees are indicative only. Final location is to be determined following subdivision and allowing for driveways, garbage collection, bus stops etc.

Figure 1-6: Elderslie Local Access Roads
Note: Location of street trees is indicative only. Final location is to be determined following subdivision and allowing for driveways, garbage collection bus stops, etc.
For local access roads identified in Figure 1-3 Pedestrian / Cycle Network to include an off-road cycleway, must have a footpath cross section from kerb 1.4m turfed area, 2.5m cycleway, 0.5m to property boundary.

Figure 1-7: Elderslie Local Access Roads Riparian Corridor Edge
Note: Location of street trees is indicative only. Final location is to be determined following subdivision and allowing for driveways, garbage collection, bus stops, etc.

Figure 1-8: Elderslie Local Access Road Rural Lanes
Note: Rural land adjoining Camden Golf Club 16m reserve, 6m carriageway

Figure 1-9: Elderslie Local Access Road View Corridor (20m)
Note: See Local Access Road View Corridor in Figure 1-9 and Figure 2-8 Elderslie Cultural and Visual Landscape within Part 2 of this DCP.