6.3.7 Liquid & Solid Waste

The following controls apply to the discharge and disposal of all waste types for industrial developments:

  1. A detailed Waste Management Plan (WMP) must be submitted for the ongoing use of the site. A WMP must outline the waste that will be generated from the site and proposed arrangements for managing waste onsite and for collection.
  2. The site plan and floor plans submitted with a development application must show:
    1. the location of the designated waste and recycling storage room(s) or areas, sized to meet the waste and recycling needs of all tenants (refer to Council’s Waste Management Guideline for generation rates). Waste should be separated into at least three streams including co-mingled recycling, general waste and industrial process type wastes;
    2. an identified collection point for the collection and emptying of recycling and waste bins; and
    3. the path of travel for moving bins from the storage area to the identified collection point (if collection is to occur away from the storage area). There must be step-free access between the point at which bins are collected/emptied and the waste/recycling storage room(s) or area(s).
  3. A swept path analysis must be prepared by a suitably qualified professional in accordance with AS2890.2. It must be demonstrated that a Heavy Rigid Vehicle:
    1. can enter, manoeuvre and exit the site in a forward direction;
    2. perform collections in a safe manner; and
    3. is provided with adequate height and width clearance to safely access the site.
  4. Waste and recycling storage area/s must be provided within each tenancy and are to be of sufficient size to store waste generated within a day (Refer to Council’s Waste Management Guidelines for waste generation rates);
  5. Between collection periods, all waste/recyclable materials generated on site must be kept in enclosed bins with securely fitting lids and stored in the designated waste/recycling storage room(s) or area(s).
  6. Development must include a designated waste and recycling storage area or room, as well as designated storage areas for industrial waste. Storage areas must:
    1. provide convenient facilities for separation of recyclable material, general waste and other waste;
    2. provide for storage for all bins required;
    3. have a floor area at least 50% larger than the size of the bins and/or equipment;
    4. have a smooth graded ground surface;
    5. be well lit, built in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and well ventilated in accordance with AS 1668.4 (AS 1668.2 for buildings requiring mechanical ventilation);
    6. be suitably enclosed, covered and maintained so as prevent polluted waste water runoff and unpleasant odour (where relevant);
    7. be designed to prevent vermin;
    8. provide an external water tap adjacent to the storage area;
    9. provide a drain in the bin storage area discharging to a sewer connection (where relevant); and
    10. be adaptable to changes in waste generation rates and type of waste produced.
  7. Onsite collection must be provided for industrial developments. The development must be designed:
    1. to provide safe access and manoeuvrability for a Heavy Rigid Vehicle in accordance with AS2890.2;
    2. allow waste collection vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward direction, without impeding access for other users. Reversing onsite must only be done in the vicinity of a turning bay as private driveways or carparks are not permitted to be used as turning areas; and
    3. to accommodate for all waste equipment including compactors.
  8. The production, storage and disposal of all wastes must comply with the relevant laws and protocols. Development applications must provide evidence of compliance and address all specific waste requirements of other relevant regulatory authorities.
  9. No liquids (including water) discharged from the site must contain pollutants above acceptable levels (determined by Council in consultation with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA);
  10. A license to discharge may be required from the EPA. A copy of correspondence received from the EPA and any license issued by the EPA must be submitted.
  11. Certain liquids (in addition to sewerage) may be discharged into the sewer subject to a Trade Waste agreement being approved by Sydney Water. A copy of any license issued by Sydney Water must be submitted.
  12. Developments associated with the repair, servicing or maintenance of motor vehicles must provide a separate vehicular wash down bays.
  13. Waste storage facilities must be properly sited and constructed to avoid negative impacts to the soil and water resources in the area.
  14. Incinerators are not permitted for waste disposal.
  15. Liquid waste storage must be covered and appropriately bunded.
  16. All tenants must keep written evidence on site of a valid contract with a licensed waste contractor for the regular collection and disposal of all the waste streams and recyclables which are generated on site.
  17. Arrangements must be provided for regular maintenance of waste management facilities.

Further Information

Council’s Waste Management Guidelines