6.5.5 Home Business and Home Industry


  1. To allow for occupations or suitable low scale business activities to be conducted from houses or ancillary buildings in residential and rural areas, where the scale of the business does not interfere with the amenity of neighbouring properties.

Note: CLEP 2010 contains the definition of home business and home industry and clause 5.4 provides requirements regarding these uses.


  1. Council must not consent to an application for the purpose of a home business, unless it is demonstrated that the home business:
    1. does not involve the employment of more than two persons other than those residents;
    2. does not take up floor space of more than 50m2 in the dwelling or ancillary building. The use of land (for storage purposes, etc.) external to a dwelling or an outbuilding for home business purposes will not be permitted;
    3. does not interfere with the amenity of the locality because of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste, water, waste products, grit or oil or otherwise;
    4. does not involve exposure to view from any adjacent premises or from any public space of any unsightly matter, goods or products;
    5. does not give rise to traffic levels out of keeping with those of the surrounding locality;
    6. maintains existing parking spaces for residential use on site and business car parking be provided off street in accordance with this DCP;
  2. A home business must operate within the hours specified below, unless it can be demonstrated to Council’s satisfaction that operation outside of these hours will not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of adjoining dwellings or the neighbourhood;
    1. 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday;
    2. 8.30am to 5pm Saturdays;
    3. Sundays or public holidays (closed).
  3. Deliveries and loading/unloading activities can only occur during the approved hours of operation;
  4. All signage must comply with this DCP. If signage is to be associated with the home business, it must:
    1. not exceed a maximum area of 0.72m2;
    2. be attached to the dwelling-house, letter box, front gate or the like;
    3. only indicate the name and occupation of the resident;
    4. not detract from the residential character of amenity of the area; and
    5. will only involve retailing of products which are ancillary to the home business and will not adversely impact on the amenity of the locality in terms of traffic generation and pedestrian movement.
  5. Development Applications for skin preparation, must comply with the Skin Penetration Guidelines (Public Health Regulations 2000) and Skin Penetration Code of Best Practice. Applications for the food manufacturing, must demonstrate compliance with the Food Act and Regulations incorporating the Food Standards Code and Camden Council’s Food Premises Code. Any application must submit plans and supporting documentation that demonstrate compliance with these polices.
  6. A Statement of Environmental Effects must be submitted for all types of home business applications, they must outline the overall operation of the proposal.

Note: A home business does not include bed and breakfast accommodation, home occupation (sex services) or sex services premises.

Trial Period

  1. In the event that Council grants development consent for a home business, Council may include (as a condition of consent), a condition which limits the duration of the consent to a maximum 12 month period, after which a further development application is required to continue the use beyond that date. Council, in determining any further application, will have regard to the operation of the use within the preceding 12 month period.