6.5.2 Restricted Premises


  1. Ensure that the amenity and safety of a particular area is not overly compromised by the implementation of a restricted premise.

Note: CLEP 2010 contains the definition of a restricted premises and clause 7.7 provides requirements regarding the location of restricted premises.


  1. Development for the purpose of restricted premises must be designed to minimise any impact on the surrounding area with regards to the appearance of the building or premises, the appearance and content of signage and advertising, and the location and intensity of external lighting.
  2. Development applications seeking consent for restricted premises must include:
    1. A description of all materials, articles, compounds, preparations and the like to be offered for sale.
    2. The size, form or shape, illumination and position, colour and content of any proposed business identification sign, street number, advertisement or promotional device to be erected or displayed.
    3. Details of the existing and proposed external lighting.
    4. A specified operator, which must be named on the application.

Note:  For Restricted Premises, Council may include as a condition of consent a trial period for 12 months.

Further Information - Additional controls applying to restricted premises are located within the following legislation.

Pt 16 s 578(E)(2) of the Crimes Act 1990.

Section 49, No.63 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995.